Building brands, together. With a shared vision for the future.

The Forum for Naturals is an invite-only online community for marketing and sustainability teams of natural product brands. It is a place where brands can come together to share experiences and strategies, stay on top of the latest trends, and improve their marketing and sustainability departments.

We meet monthly, have lunch & learn presentations, conduct member benchmark studies, hold in-person events, and much more.

We help members do their jobs better with our secret sauce of shared resources, which include:

Benchmark surveys such as working/ nonworking budget, internal/ external hiring and ecomm results

Presentations on the latest marketing tactics, trends and leadership

Virtual and in-person gatherings

Job position listings from member brands

Active QA community

Examining member goals for strategic introductions to other members and resources

Exclusive discounts from agencies and service providers

Member-vetted list of preferred service providers

“Hard things cannot be done alone. You have to do them together. No one's going to save the planet on their own. No one can be good for all humans at one time on their own. It takes collaboration to make that work. And so we have to work together. ”

~ Angi Rassi, CMO, Red’s All Natural

“Forum for Naturals is a safe space where one gets to share insights, best practices with others, and there's really no holding back. People are really open about providing tips. I just found the group to be very welcoming and open and it's just been a wonderful experience.”

~ Diego Norris, CMO, Gimme Snacks

In the Forum, you’re in great company.

Together, we deep dive and explore two tracks. Figure out the Forum that’s right for you.

Let’s talk Sustainability

Let’s talk Marketing


existing in or caused by nature; not made or caused by humankind.




a person regarded as having an innate gift or talent for a particular task or activity.



  • “The value of being part of the Forum for Naturals is immeasurable! Aside from the extensive exposure & insights you get from fellow members’ experiences, the varied vendor & partner sessions help round off the package. Not to mention the amazing sense of camaraderie.”


    VP, Product Marketing & Innovation, Sambazon

  • “I have found the Forum to be a great resource to connect with peers and learn and support each other. The shared resources have been tremendously helpful for me and my team as we navigate our marketing challenges.”


    CMO, ISH Food Company

  • “No matter what question or business issue I’m dealing with, I know there is a community of bright, smart people ready and willing to share a POV, a contact, or even just their time to help me and my team navigate through unchartered waters. Not only have I discovered new agency partners to add to our roster, but I’ve discovered a new network of colleagues that strive to make each other better.”


    Sr. Vice President of Marketing, Wild Planet Foods

  • "The Forum has been super helpful in connecting with peers facing the same challenges that I am and the willingness of top marketers to share information has been extremely useful, especially in the monthly meetings."


    Director of Digital Marketing & eCommerce, WishGarden Herbs

“If you are not in the arena getting your ass kicked on occasion, I am not interested in or open to your feedback.” ~ Brené Brown

Interested in joining the Forum? Drop us a line.